New Creation VA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization on mission to creatively counteract human trafficking with a local heart + global approach.
We have worked with over 200 partner organizations from 5 continents to create dignified work for those rescued from, or vulnerable to trafficking around the world.
We believe that education + job creation are powerful tools to overcome trafficking, which is why our team is committed to continuing to develop concepts that make freedom possible.
But we also know that in order to truly solve this issue, we need to both help survivors + get in front of the issue - which is why we also provide prevention education to communities, businesses, families, and youth on the signs and dangers of human trafficking

It Started With a Dining Room Table + A Dream.
When Sabrina Dorman-Andrew first heard about the reality of human trafficking, it all felt like too much to face. What was one person to do about a problem that felt so big?
But Sabrina knew she was being called to step up + do good, so she started small: selling Ugandan paper beads from her dining room table, alongside with her husband, Steve, + giving the profits to an organization working in Africa.

Building a Brighter, More Equitable Future.
Sabrina + Steve continued to sell products from their home until they realized they were being called to do more than they could from their dining room table.
In 2014, they purchased what was once a p0rn shop + transformed it into a place of hope + redemption.
Today, the walls are lined with survivor-made + fair trade goods from artisans around the globe + 100% of our profits go toward our mission of counteracting human trafficking, which means that every purchase you make directly supports rescue + restoration for the most vulnerable.

Powerful Partnerships
To make this work possible, we have partnered with more than 200 artisan groups from around the globe to help bring dignified work to survivors of human trafficking or those vulnerable to being trafficked.
Did you know that 80% of those rescued are re-trafficked if they lack life-giving employment?
Dignified work is one of the most important factors when it comes to counteracting human trafficking, which is why we're dedicated to helping bring opportunity and fair-pay to our artisan partners.